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Heart: Our Approach to Holistic Living, Learning, and Teaching

Most educational institutions neglect the hearts of students, focusing on technical skills (the head) and artistry (the hands).They all measure how well students can read, write, solve problems, and master skills. Then there are specialty programs that value artistry, exploiting creativity or athleticism.

At SOL Learning Center we aim to provide children with the tools they need to build confidence, and to cope with stress and challenging tasks. We practice mindfulness, positive self-talk, and cultivate a sense of belonging with our students and families, which is the heart of our framework.


Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present and aware of where we are and what we’re doing, without overreacting or becoming overwhelmed by what is going on around us. Everyone has the ability to be mindful, however many of us have to learn how to access it. Mindfulness is how we help children develop social skills. Practicing mindfulness teaches us how to be more aware of ourselves and others, this allows us to be proactive instead of reactive.

Studies show that by practicing mindfulness, children learn strategies that will help them to:

  • Increase focus, self control, and compassion

  • Improve performance and the ability to resolve conflict

  • Decrease levels of stress and disruptive behavior

Practicing mindfulness improves overall well-being. Explore ways to practice mindfulness as a family from this article from the NewYork Times.


Positive self-talk has a significant impact on building children’s confidence. Research has shown that positive self-talk can help children improve problem solving and decision making. Just as it sounds, positive self-talk is about speaking to yourself and treating yourself with compassion.

It is a skill we develop as we gain an understanding of and appreciation for perspective. Ultimately, perspective allows us to understand situations from other points of views, and to build empathy, which reduces bias, judgment, and conflict.

A recent study found that the use of positive self-talk had a positive impact on math performance in kids with low levels of self-confidence in their math abilities. There are also extensive studies documenting the impact of positive self-talk for improving athletic performance. Beyond improving academics and athleticism, positive self-talk can increase the overall quality of one's life.

By practicing positive self-talk, children are able to:

  • Reframe their thinking and focus on their strengths

  • Recognize areas of improvement and set goals

  • Develop a positive outlook on life and feel happier

Positive self-talk increases confidence and resilience.

Read more about how you can practice positive-self talk with your child(ren) in this article from Very Well Family.


Children belong first to a family, a cultural group, a neighborhood and a wider community. The sense of belonging is a basic human need that predicts a variety of mental, physical, social, economic, and behavioral consequences. Throughout life, relationships are crucial to a sense of belonging; it is the basis of defining our identities.

Belonging is the subjective feeling of deep connection with social groups, physical places, and collective experiences. Belongingness is what drives us to seek out relationships with others, it is our spiritual need to be interconnected, motivating us to participate in activities such as clubs, sports, religious groups, and community organizations. Belonging is central in that it shapes who children are and who they can become.

By establishing a sense of belonging, children are able to:

  • Reduce anxiety, depression, and hopelessness

  • Build important relationships and take advantage of opportunities

  • Persevere in the face of difficulty and are more open to critical feedback

SOL Learning Center

After enrolling in any of our programs and or participating in our events children and families become a part of the SOL community. All of our programs incorporate strategies that strengthen children’s social and emotional skills, and develop the executive functioning skills that are necessary for living happy and healthy lives.

When children experience challenges and fail they need to balance those experiences with victories. At SOL Learning Center we carefully design experiences that transform the way students preserve themselves and challenges. Habits formed early in life will inform behaviors in adulthood, and with mindfulness, positive self-talk, and a sense of belonging, we have the opportunity to give our children the skills they need to be resilient.

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