The last Saturday of March brought us rain showers, providing the perfect condition for observing worms! The rain made the soil soft enough to create sturdy structures for our pole beans and snow peas to grow on.
We always begin each session by allowing children to explore the garden to find and observe insects and newly sprouted plants, then we gather together to draw and describe our observations.
On Saturday, children were introduced to different types of beans, peas, and corn seeds, to learn about sorting and classifying seeds by their external characteristics.
Sowing Seeds
Each seed has a seed coat and an embryo containing tiny leaves, a stem, and roots. The seed coat protects the embryo while a temporary food supply nourishes it. All seeds require oxygen, water, and the proper temperature range in order to germinate. Oxygen and moisture, initially taken in through the seed coat and later by the root, help the seed get energy from its food supply.
Different types of seeds have specific temperature requirements and preferences for germination. Many seeds also require proper light conditions to germinate. When a seed is exposed to proper conditions for germination, water is taken in through the seed coat. The embryo’s cells begin to enlarge and the seed coat breaks open.
The root emerges first, followed by the shoot, which contains the stem and leaves. Over the course of the growing season, children will continue to learn about the conditions necessary for germination and healthy plant growth.
Creating a Garden Teepee
After exploring different seeds and various seasonal fruits and vegetables, we broke into different groups to build our teepees, and then we sowed the seeds that will grow to cover the structure.

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